Eastmouth is finally completed. It was a massive undertaking behind the scenes, organizing a cast of that scale, writing and editing each script, producing each episode through FL Studio with a keen attention to detail (and arguably too many sound-effects). But it’s finally done, and with its departure I am free to return to what got me into writing in the first place: short stories. I’ve already completed two and am working on a third at this very moment. I aim to pump as many out this year as I realistically can, each time taking a different approach and experimenting with something new. Eventually, I’ll get around to a novel, but I intend to hone the basics first.

With all of that said, I have two things to announce. The first of which is the release of one of those aforementioned stories, readable right now on Wattpad.


The second, a return to posting here. Though I cannot promise a great frequency of posting (consistent updates have never been a strong suit), I am committed to shooting the shit with anyone who stumbles upon this place, and posting the occasional review or mini-essay on anything that gets my noggin going. I also have additionally weird plans down the line that I can’t wait to share if they come to fruition.

To keep it short and sweet, cheers for now!

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